Breaking Barriers in Every Direction

Embrace a brand-new PET/CT imaging era of enhanced confidence in decision making, streamlined workflows, and expanded research opportunities with an ultra-high resolution digital PET/CT: uMI Panorama, powered by uExcel technology platform.
uMI Panorama is clearly magnificent in every direction with the finest National Electrical Manufactures Association (NEMA) PET spatial resolution, truly-fast 189-picosecond (ps) time of flight (TOF), scalable axial field of view (AFOV), the 76-cm super-wide bore and 318-kg (700-lb) table weight capacity that accommodates patients of all sizes.1 By leveraging the AI-powered features on the uExcel platform, it also boosts your daily work efficiency significantly and opens up new possibilities for your exploration.

You can confidently set a higher standard for any image before the first moment you experience uMI Panorama. It is born to redefine your expectations for precision, with the power of the uExcel UDP (Ultra Digital Platform) detector.

Enhance Your Confidence with uExcel UDP

Your time, energy and security matter. Let uMI Panorama with its artificial intelligence (AI) power and protect you. One-click steps for positioning patients, performing scans, reconstructing images, and post-processing can help you maximize your routine.

Maximize Your Routine with Artificial Intelligence

Venture beyond traditional boundaries and embrace a future of breakthroughs with uMI Panorama. It delivers consistently high performance across different tracers or concentrations, supporting versatile clinical or research applications to meet your needs today and tomorrow.

Unlock New Possibilities for Exploration

Meet uMI Panorama

Offering comprehensive software and hardware solutions, a brand-new AI-driven imaging workflow, and future-forward scalability, uMI Panorama is a powerful platform designed to meet your next-generation PET/CT imaging needs.

0.25 s
Rotation speed
28 cm, 35 cm, etc.
Scalable PET axial FOV
318 kg (700 lb)
Table load capacity
4 cm
CT detector coverage

0.5 mm × 80 rows with 3D collimator grid up to 160 slices/rotation

60 kVp
Ultra-low CT tube voltage
76 cm
Gantry bore size

with accommodation for patients of various sizes and compatibility with third-party respiratory gating devices

Ultra Digital Platform
PET detector

2.76 mm ultra-fine LYSO crystal size and 189 ps ultra-fast TOF performance

with 3D camera

for precise patient positioning

Technical Details
  • Gantry
  • PET
  • CT



76 cm (30 inch)

Weight Capacity

Up to 318 kg (700 lb)

Cooling Method

Water Cooling

System Control


Remote Audio System


Light Environment

Starry Night Light



Crystal Material


Crystal Size

2.76 mm × 2.76 mm × 18.1 mm

Spatial Resolution @1 cm

2.9 mm

Spatial Resolution @10 cm

3.2 mm


189 ps

Scalable AFOV2

28 cm, 35 cm, etc.

Effective Sensitivity @ 20 cm phantom3 

97 cps/kBq, 148 cps/kBq

Effective Sensitivity @ 35 cm phantom4

170.4 cps/kBq, 259.3 cps/kBq

Effective Peak Noise Equivalent Count Rate (P-NECR) @ 20 cm phantom3

2,327 kcps, 3,526 kcps

Effective P-NECR @ 35 cm phantom4

4,059 kcps, 6,150 kcps



Axial Coverage

4 cm

Maximum Rotation Speed

0.25 s

Number of Detector Rows


Maximum Slices per Rotation


Equivalent Tube Anode Storage Capacity

34 MHU

kV Settings

60 kV, 70kV, 80 kV, 100 kV, 120 kV, 140 kV, 140 kV

Range of Tube Current

10-833 mA (with 1 mA increment)

Excel in All Directions with uExcel Technology

The uExcel technology platform was born with its innovative designs and versatile applications in response to your clinical and research needs. Comprising the Ultra Digital Platform (UDP) detector, the intelligent scanning toolset uExcel SCAN, the AI reconstruction engine uExcel CARE, the efficient quality control system uExcel QA and the research aid uExcel EXPLORE, this platform aims to empower you to truly excel in exploring clinical panoramas with ease and innovation.

Enhance Your Confidence with uExcel UDP

The ultra-digital-platform detector uExcel UDP sets the performance benchmark for the uMI Panorama family with its 2.76 mm LYSO crystals, 100% SiPM coverage across the entire LYSO array, and state-of-the-art proprietary chips.

The 2.76 mm LYSO crystals, processed bythe ultra-smooth surface polishing technique, deliver clear images with the exceptional NEMA spatial resolution of 2.9 mm.

The ultra-high coverage of SiPMs on the crystal array ensures efficient light detection from the scintillator while minimizing signal attenuation.

The molecular imaging-specific integratedcircuit uExcel ASIC, which is cultivated, cut,and selected in-house, excels in signaltransmission speed and readout efficiency.

uExcel UDP Detector Module

LYSO Scintillation Crystals

The 2.76 mm LYSO crystals, processed bythe ultra-smooth surface polishing technique, deliver clear images with the exceptional NEMA spatial resolution of 2.9 mm.

SiPM Technology

The ultra-high coverage of SiPMs on the crystal array ensures efficient light detection from the scintillator while minimizing signal attenuation.

Proprietary ASIC Design

The molecular imaging-specific integratedcircuit uExcel ASIC, which is cultivated, cut,and selected in-house, excels in signaltransmission speed and readout efficiency.

Maximize Your Routine with Artificial Intelligence

uMI Panorama is greatly empowered by innovative technologies integrated into the uExcel SCAN and uExcel CARE workflows. With uExcel SCAN, you can rely on intelligent positioning, scanning, and motion correction to streamline your routine tasks and maximinze your work efficiency. And uExcel CARE features uExcel DPR and uExcel AIIR reconstruction algorithms to ensure clear images even at low doses.

uExcel uVision

The 3D camera of uExcel uVision features automatic isocentering positioning, leveraging a variety of anatomical landmarks to tailor protocols to each patient's unique needs. This design ensures comfort and accommodation for patients of all shapes, sizes, and clinical conditions.


EasyRange automatically plans the scanning range based on anatomical landmarks observed in the scout images, thus significantly streamlining the previous manual adjustments.

uExcel DPR & uExcel AIIR

Leveraging the power of deep learning for noise reduction and contrast enhancement, the reconstruction algorithms uExcel DPR and uExcel AIIR elevate the quality of PET and CT images respectively, ensuring safe, comfortable, and reliable PET/CT exams.

User Voices

We have evaluated the system's performance, and the results are far beyond expectations. uMI Panorama's 189 ps TOF resolution and high sensitivity deliver superior clinical performance, enabling significant advances in detecting minute lung and brain lesions as well as other subtle targets, greatly enhancing our diagnostic confidence.
Jing Wang, MD
President of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine, Xijing Hospital, Xi'an, Shaanxi, CHN
Innovations of the uMI Panorama help redefine PET/CT performance standards... Clinical phantoms do not have small-enough lesions to characterize the uMI Panorama.
Jeffrey Yap, PhD
Director of Center for Quantitative Cancer Imaging, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Our physicians called me within 15 minutes of receiving the images from the first patient on the uMI Panorama. They found a clinical finding that was just plain as day. When they went back and looked at the priors from a different scanner, they said, 'I think it's there', but we couldn't call it because we couldn't see it as well'. The Panorama had a clinical impact for the very first patient.
Stephen Lokitz, PhD
Executive Director and Director of Imaging Sciences, CMIT, BRF, Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
Results from patient studies underscored the uMI Panorama system's clinical potential in enhancing diagnostic capabilities, particularly for smaller or lower-contrast lesions, leveraging its exceptional spatial resolution.
Fei Kang, MD
Director of Nuclear Medicine Department, Xijing Hospital, Xi'an, Shaanxi, CHN

Drag left and right to hear more user voices.
The experiences shared by United Imaging users reflect the outcomes achieved in their specific settings. Since hospitals and laboratories differ in many aspects—such as size, sample characteristics, case mix, IT infrastructure—results may vary and could differ from those described.

Unlock New Possibilities for Exploration

Empowered by its top-notch performance, uMI Panorama achieves high-quality images of different tracers with a wide range of radioactive activities, allowing for a broad exploration space.

New-Tracer Imaging
  • 68Ga-DOTA-SST
  • 68Ga-FAPI
  • 68Ga-PSMA
  • 68Ga-CPCR4-2
  • 18F-PSMA
  • 18F-FAPI
Click on different tracers to see the images.
Case Gallery

OncoFocus demonstrates clear demarcation of hepatic and gastric lesions.

The high-resolution system with 189-ps TOF performance delivers exceptional image quality for peritoneal and omental diseases.

Time of flight technology enhances the high contrast visibility of small lung lesions.

The widespread metastasis of breast cancer can be clearly revealed by the high-resolution system with the super-fast time of flight.

High-resolution imaging is enabled with a Gallium-labeled tracer in a low dose.

High-resolution imaging facilitates the visualization of leptomeningeal metastasis.

OncoFocus facilitates clear delineation of subcentimeter lower lung nodules.

Lung cancer with liver metastases hard to be seen can be clearly detected with OncoFocus.

Unseen lesions of the osteosarcoma with liver and lung metastases can now be visualized with OncoFocus.

NeuroFocus mitigates head motion artifacts in 18F-AV45 imaging.

TOF performance enhances high-resolution brain PET imaging with combined anatomical and functional information.

TOF technology renders high-definition gray and white matter imaging in Epileptic patients with MRI.

NeuroFocus corrects head motion artifacts in 18F-FP-CIT imaging.

Myocardial morphology can be revealed with data-driven respiration motion correction.

With uExcel DPR, uMI Panorama enables Pediatrics fast scanning without compromising image quality.

uMI Panorama facilitates a systematic assessment of marneffei basket bacteria infection.

Ki imaging reveals higher contrast within lung cancer on uKinetics.

Ki imaging demonstrates enhanced contrast in pancreatic lesions and increased detection of metastases.

Scroll to left and right to see more cases.


1 Based on measurements available at time of publication; compared to current state-of-the-art technologies of commercially available PET/CT systems. Data on file.
2 uMI Panorama GS with 148 cm PET AFOV has been CE marked and FDA clear; other uMI Panorama PET/CT scanners with scalable AFOVs beyond 28 cm and 35 cm are not yet commercially available.
3 Measured on uMI Panorama 28 and uMI Panorama 35 with TOF gain calculated with a 20-cm cylindrical phantom.
4 Measured on uMI Panorama 28 and uMI Panorama 35 with TOF gain calculated with a 35-cm cylindrical phantom.

United Imaging does not make any claims regarding the safety and effectiveness of tracers that have not been approved by the FDA or CE.
Onscreen reproduction and display may result in a certain degree of image-quality degradation.