New-Generation Ultra-High Resolution Digital PET/CT
uMI Panorama
Powered by uExcel Platform
Embrace a brand-new PET/CT imaging era of enhanced confidence in decision making, streamlined workflows, and expanded research opportunities with an ultra-high resolution digital PET/CT: uMI Panorama, powered by uExcel technology platform.
uMI Panorama is clearly magnificent in every direction with the finest National Electrical Manufactures Association (NEMA) PET spatial resolution, truly-fast 189-picosecond (ps) time of flight (TOF), scalable axial field of view (AFOV), the 76-cm super-wide bore and 318-kg (700-lb) table weight capacity that accommodates patients of all sizes.1 By leveraging the AI-powered features on the uExcel platform, it also boosts your daily work efficiency significantly and opens up new possibilities for your exploration.
You can confidently set a higher standard for any image before the first moment you experience uMI Panorama. It is born to redefine your expectations for precision, with the power of the uExcel UDP (Ultra Digital Platform) detector.
Enhance Your Confidence with uExcel UDP
Your time, energy and security matter. Let uMI Panorama with its artificial intelligence (AI) power and protect you. One-click steps for positioning patients, performing scans, reconstructing images, and post-processing can help you maximize your routine.
Maximize Your Routine with Artificial Intelligence
Venture beyond traditional boundaries and embrace a future of breakthroughs with uMI Panorama. It delivers consistently high performance across different tracers or concentrations, supporting versatile clinical or research applications to meet your needs today and tomorrow.
Unlock New Possibilities for Exploration
Offering comprehensive software and hardware solutions, a brand-new AI-driven imaging workflow, and future-forward scalability, uMI Panorama is a powerful platform designed to meet your next-generation PET/CT imaging needs.
0.5 mm × 80 rows with 3D collimator grid up to 160 slices/rotation
with accommodation for patients of various sizes and compatibility with third-party respiratory gating devices
2.76 mm ultra-fine LYSO crystal size and 189 ps ultra-fast TOF performance
for precise patient positioning
The uExcel technology platform was born with its innovative designs and versatile applications in response to your clinical and research needs. Comprising the Ultra Digital Platform (UDP) detector, the intelligent scanning toolset uExcel SCAN, the AI reconstruction engine uExcel CARE, the efficient quality control system uExcel QA and the research aid uExcel EXPLORE, this platform aims to empower you to truly excel in exploring clinical panoramas with ease and innovation.
The ultra-digital-platform detector uExcel UDP sets the performance benchmark for the uMI Panorama family with its 2.76 mm LYSO crystals, 100% SiPM coverage across the entire LYSO array, and state-of-the-art proprietary chips.
Empowered by its top-notch performance, uMI Panorama achieves high-quality images of different tracers with a wide range of radioactive activities, allowing for a broad exploration space.