Kazakhstan, the world's largest landlocked country, is vast in territory but sparsely populated. Over the years, in its relentless battle against diseases, this country has remained dedicated to bringing healthcare to all citizens. The introduction of United Imaging's medical equipment has given a significant boost to their tour.
A Crucial Choice: Introduced the first 3.0T MR to Karaganda
Karaganda City is a regional center, which is located 240 kilometers away from the capital. In the past, lacking advanced diagnostic equipment, many patients suffering from complex diseases here could not receive timely and precise treatment, having no choice but to endure sorrow.
During the pandemic, United Imaging introduced the uCT 520 to Kazakhstan. The state-of-the-art equipment delivered high-quality images swiftly, effectively addressing the pressing diagnostic needs. Impressed by the exceptional performance, Dr. Oleg Mazurchak, Chief of the Radiology Department at Hippocrates Medical Center, Karaganda City and Expert radiologist in the region, made a momentous decision- to introduce the first 3.0T MRI equipment for Karaganda from United Imaging.

Dr. Oleg Mazurchak and a patien
"We found there were no 3.T MR systems in Karagandy so we had to send patients to Astana or Almaty if they needed to. But now they can receive the scan here," Dr. Oleg said. The 3.0T MR greatly benefits neuroimaging; for example, those complex lesions as neurovascular conflicts that couldn't be detected before now are visible, and those patients are able to get diagnostic procedures without leaving the city. Also, the applications are understandable and intuitive. "The interface is well arranged and we have access to all available functions. We are very satisfied with it."
In the future, Dr. Oleg is eager to introduce digital PET-CT from United Imaging, further improving the breadth and depth of local healthcare. He is committed to dedicating his full efforts to healthcare in Karaganda and the entire country.